Category: Artistic Make Up - Fashion and Glamour

I am lost in a world.
Lost in a world were there is only black and white
and there are no colors.
If there were colors, I would be happy and not lost.
Black and white is all my depressing eyes can see.
I want to see colors.
I want you to bring colors into my world.
I do not want just one or two,
but every color possible.
To have colors and not black and white.
No more black and white.
I am tired of it.
No, not tired of it, I am sick of it.
Please rescue me from my colorless state of mind.
Take me with you on your trips so full of color.
Please take my hand and fill my life with all the colors you see and keep me from going
back to a colorless world.
Poem by Nicole aka Niky-Nack17
Lost in a world were there is only black and white
and there are no colors.
If there were colors, I would be happy and not lost.
Black and white is all my depressing eyes can see.
I want to see colors.
I want you to bring colors into my world.
I do not want just one or two,
but every color possible.
To have colors and not black and white.
No more black and white.
I am tired of it.
No, not tired of it, I am sick of it.
Please rescue me from my colorless state of mind.
Take me with you on your trips so full of color.
Please take my hand and fill my life with all the colors you see and keep me from going
back to a colorless world.
Poem by Nicole aka Niky-Nack17

